gunnar blue light glasses x ravnelite

“Life is becoming no more than staring at a screen” - Tom Hodgkinson

He’s right.  We are all prone to staring into the abyss of a screen in some manner or another.  Looking at your computer all day at work, mindlessly thumb f*cking your phone on social media, replying to the incessant group texts, playing your favorite video games, or just watching tv while laying in bed.

Have you ever noticed with prolonged exposure to these screens your eyes get heavy?  Headaches start to happen?  You feel like you aren’t able to focus on the task at hand while working away even though you are extremely motivated to get whatever you’re working on done?

Welcome to heavy blue light exposure, or Digital Eye Strain for the newer generations.

An over indulgence of this wave of light has many side effects; headaches, brain fog, fatigue, eye strain, and can assist in the development of cataracts.

Do we all need to spend a little less time looking at screens?  Of course.  Myself included.  That’s just not exactly possible with the world we currently live in.

However, as I sit here and type this out, I’m wearing a simple and sometimes stylish fix for this issue.

Blue Light Glasses.  

Blue light glasses directly support brain health as well.  Let’s dig into it.

Blue light glasses help protect the brain by mitigating effects of prolonged export to artificial blue light from cellphones, computer screens and tv’s.  When your eyes are less strained, the brain can allocate more energy to critical tasks rather Tham compensating for eye strain.  Wearing blue light glasses helps maintain sustained focus and attention during long periods of screen time, improving overall mental efficiency.

Long exposure to blue light can cause headaches and brain fatigue, which inhibits focus and productivity.  The blue light glasses reduce this exposure to the high energy wavelengths that are creating these issues.

Now the sleep side of blue light exposure…

Blue like suppresses melatonin- the hormone responsible for sleep.  Late night scrolling on your phone can disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it difficult to fall asleep or have a good nights rest.  Sleep is ESSENTIAL for cognitive function, memory consolidation and emotional regulation.

There are also some long term benefits to wearing these glasses.  Chronic exposure to artificial blue light may contribute to retinal damage, impacting visual performance.

Gunnar blue light glasses, the one’s I am currently wearing while I am typing this out, block anywhere from 65%-98% of blue light waves.  There are probably other companies out there offering a similar product, I personally like the style of these better, and trust their testing of blue light exposure while wearing them.

Purchase below from the Gunnar Store.

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