Neuro gum x ravnelite

Neuro Gum is considered a nootropic, whom came into the market with guns blazing!  They have completely cornered the market on a fast acting nootropic, sold at most major stores and online.  Denied on shark tank, the creators of this product pressed forward.  What is this product?  Why does it work so well?  Does it actually work?  What is in this piece of gum?!?!?!

Well lets start with the basics…why does Neuro Gum feel like it works so much faster than other products on the market?

Simple, its delivery.

When we drink energy drinks (which are notoriously bad for us) or coffee, we process this caffeine and vitamins through our stomach, kidneys and small intestine.  It will then enter our blood stream with peak levels at the 30 to 60 minute mark.  This is what also leads to a quick realization there is caffeine in your system (jitters) with the follow up of our caffeine trip crash.

With Neuro Gum you are absorbing the caffeine through the mucous membrane of the mouth.  When we begin to chew the gum, the caffiene breaks down in our saliva.  It then gets absorbed through the mucous membrane, directly into the bloodstream.  By bypassing the digestive system and metabolizing through our liver, the effects of caffeine are cut down from 30-60 minutes to being absorbed in mere seconds to minutes with peak levels reaching us in 10-15 minutes.

With the caffeine entering our system this way, it cuts down on the amount of caffeine we need, there is less digestion required:  This is beneficial for people with digestive issues or sensitive stomachs, as absorbing caffeine through the mucus membrane of the mouth is gentler than drinking it.  No gut health disruption this way.  In our opinion, its also easier carrying around a pack of gum versus a huge cup of Peet’s coffee everyday, making this product a home-run for those on the go; Athletes, business professionals, doctors, pilots, operators etc.

Besides the obvious, caffeine, lets discuss the other benefits Neuro Gum has to offer. 

L-theanine.  This supplement promotes alertness and concentration while simultaneously negating the jittery effects caffeine can have on our bodies.  The combination of L-theanine with caffeine is known to improve reaction time, memory and task efficiency.

B6 and B12.  These are essential for neurotransmitter function, every, metabolism and cognitive health.  These also help combat brain fog and fatigue.

All in all, a product we have personally been using over the course of the last 6 months and will absolutely stand behind.  It’s easy to carry, a product that you can absolutely use on a daily basis, something with noticeable benefits quickly, not to mention the health benefits of gum chewing in itself.  

Chewing gum is good for me?  Yup

Allow us to explain.

Going out and buying a bag of big league chew at the grocery store checkout line isn’t going to be your best option, but there are great benefits to just chewing gum in general.

-Chewing gum can enhance memory, focus and cognitive processing speed by increasing blood flow to the brain.

-The process of chewing gum increases your heart rate and releases neurotransmitters like dopamine.  This improves alertness.

-Chewing gum also has shown signs of lowering cortisol levels, assists in reducing stress and promotes relaxation.

-The repetitive action of chewing gum can have a calming effect to improve mood and reduce fatigue.

-Chewing gum assists the brain in reaction time by keeping the brain engaged while doing other tasks.

Try to always choose a sugar free option with ingredients like xylitol, this aids in oral health.  This will help reduce bacteria in the mouth, the xylitol helps prevent cavities while aids in saliva production. 

Neuro Gum is sugar free, aspartame free, vegan, dairy free and gluten free.

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